Introduction to JAVA

Introduction To JAVA & Setup of Java in Windows

Java (Introduction To JAVA)

  1. Java is a programing language.
  2. Can write code and develop applications.
  3. Introduce in 1990.
  4. Latest version of java is java-17
  5. Java 2nd version and java 8th version has many differences.



Java Documentation :


Java Editions

  1. J2SE

    1. Java Standard Edition.
    2. Is also known as Core Java.
    3. Can develop Console based app and Desktop Application.
  2. J2EE

    1. Java Enterprise Edition
    2. Is also known as Advance Java.
    3. Can develop web Applications.
  3. J2ME

    1. Java Micro Edition
    2. Can develop Embedded Application and Mobile Applications.


Type Of Software/Application

  1. Desktop Application
  2. Mobile Application (IOS/Android/Windows)
  3. Web Application
  4. Console Application
  5. Embedded Application


Setup for Java

  1. Install JDK (Download Click Here)
  2. Tomcat Server (Download Click Here)
  3. Eclipse (Download Click Here)
  4. Any Database (Prefer Oracle/MySQL) (Download MySQL Click Here)
  5. Postman (Download Click Here)
  6. Git (Download Click Here)
  7. Maven (Download Click Here)


Setup Java – JDK Path

  1. Check Java path is set or not. Open Command Prompt(cmd) Type command “javac” and “java -version”


  1. If you are getting error to execute above commands then follow following steps to set a java path in system.
  2. Right Click on This PC/Computer
  3. Select Properties option
  4. Click on Advance System Settings from left side of the window.
  5. Click on . button from new window.
  6. Set Path Into System Variable
  7. Set JAVA_HOME
  8. Click On New button from System variables section
    1. Set Variable Name as JAVA_HOME
    2. Set Variable Value as JDK Path (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.11)
  9. Set JDK into Path Option
    1. Select Path option
    2. Click on Edit button
    3. Click On New button
    4. Copy and Paste path of JDK/bin (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.11\bin)
    5. Click On Ok button




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