Tell me about yourself ?

How to prepare for Tell me about yourself ?

    1. Your answer must stars with Hello Sir / Madam       Good Morning / Afternoon
    2. Then your name and your background like bachelor’s or master’s with passing year and grade
    3. Now the main parts comes into picture At this time you should tell them your skills and expertise try to saying with examples where you learned or implemented that impacts the most because of example he will believe in you
    4. Here You should add your project to express that you implemented above skills here.
    5. At last you should say some extra thing non technical skills you have like self learner, self motivated, having leadership quality, a good team player etc.
    6. your intro must be under 1.5 to 2.5 minutes
    7. And most important don’t lie in interview
    8. Example.
        • Hello Sir, Good Morning
        • My name is Shanmug Raja, I was done my graduation in computer science engineering from IIMT Collage Of Engineering in year 2022 with 8.7 CGPA.
        • My expertise are Java, Advance Java and Spring Boot. I know mostly all concepts of core java like Exception, Threading, OOP’s, Collections those in was learned & implemented  in my academics.
        • I was done some mini projects one of the them is Phone Book Application This project was developed in team my role is to do backend coding by using spring boot and some core java concepts so in that I was implemented encapsulation for data hiding or passing of encapsulated object. that application is designed in Spring MVC pattern which has all functionality’s  like phone book like save, edit, delete and show contacts.
        • As working in project I was realized that I am a good team player and self learning person.
        • This All about me Thank You.



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